Rodion Network

Founded since in 2017, a participatory Minecraft server that invites players to take a unique gaming journey to three fascinating and extraordinaring realms such as Skyblock, Survival, and Prison.

Frequently Asked Questions

This are some of the most asked questions about the server. Feel free to join and ask any questions on the Discord!

  • Is the server for premium users only?

    No! The server is open for everyone including cracked users. But we strongly recommend purchasing an official account of Minecraft.

  • What versions can I join with?

    You can join up with every version starting from 1.8. (1.8-1.20)

  • What are the modifications I can't use?

    We do not support any game modifications that could be made for unfair advantages. Including but not limited to any of type cheats, hacked client features, and any form of auto clickers.

    Please refer to our Rules page for more information.

  • Does the server lag?

    No, we host our server with the best performance possible to offer a smooth gameplay experience. Any possible latency lags is mostly caused by the server being hosted far from your location.

  • Does the server have bugs?

    Usually, all servers have any type of bugs that can be fixed. We tested our server before going public to ensure that there are no bugs. You can freely report any bugs on our Discord.